All About Me

My name is Nicole Samuel and I am one of the Grade 4 teachers for this upcoming school year. I have been a teacher at SJA since January 2018 and this will be my third-year teaching Grade 4.

I am a graduate of Central Michigan University Elementary Education Program and an Alum of the CMU Women’s Soccer Team.

When I am not teaching, I enjoy being physically active (soccer is my favourite sport, go Manchester United!), watching movies, working on "do it yourself" crafts, and spending time with my family. I can hardly wait to get to know all of you!

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The Midweek Report - Day 86

Good Afternoon Families!

Please read all the information below to get the latest scoop on our day! 

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 Here are a few updates:

Dear SJA Families,

Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child's 2020-2021 place at St. Jude's Academy, complete and return your child's re-registration forms and payment to reception by Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 at 4:00 pm. 

After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on the wait list. 

In addition, the deadline for our priority enrolment into our JK Program is Friday, January 17th, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team. 

The SJA Admissions Team
Ann Harvey and Melissa Filion
T: (905) 814-0277

SJA Annual JK to Grade 8 Oral Competition
Thursday, February 6: JK to SK at  9 am/Grade 1 to 3 at 10 am
Friday, February 7: Grades 4-6 at 9 am/Grades 7 to 8 at  11 am
SJA/TMA Interschool Competition: Thursday, February 27 - Time TBD
Location: SJA Antechamber

Dear SJA Parents/Guardians of Lower School Students (JK to Grade 8),

Preparation for St. Jude’s Annual JK to Grade 8 Oral Competition is under way. Students in Kindergarten recite a poem they have been given by their teacher to memorize. Grades 1 to 3 students retell a story. Students in Grade 4 write and recite an informative speech that they have prepared. Students in Grades 5 to 8 write and recite a persuasive speech that they have prepared. Six students from each grade will be selected by their teachers to participate in the presentations that take place in front of a larger audience with attending families and friends on Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Winners from this round will compete against students from The Maples Academy on Thursday, February 27.

Please join us for these cute, enjoyable, informative and convincing competitions.


SJA Teachers
Quote of the Day - Bringing a little inspiration to your day! 

Image result for kobe bryant quotes

Take a look at what we accomplished today!

Inquiry into Language:
Today the grade 4s worked on multiplying decimals by 10 and 100. They discovered that this concept is very similar to how we multiply whole number by 10 and 100, but instead of adding the number zeros you have in your multiplier to the end of your initial number, you simply move your decimal to the right according to the amount of of zeros are in your multiplier:

Inquiry into Language:Today they grade 4s worked on completing their good copies of their speech, and practicing so that they can have their speech memorized to present to the class. Please work with your child on a nightly basis to help them practice their speech. It is important that they not only work on how they deliver their speech, but they should also work on their stage presence too.

The grade 4 in class competition will be held February 4th/5th.

The Annual Oral Competition for grades 4 - 8 will be held on Friday, February 7th. All speeches need to be memorized and should be within 3 - 5 minutes. 

Unit of Inquiry:
The grade 4s continued working on their summatives for their unit: Who we are. Many students have practiced agency as they have chose to complete 2 of the 3 suggested formats based on their interest in combining both formats to enhance their summative. Summative projects are to be completed by the end of the day on Friday, January 31st. Presentations will begin on Monday, February 3rd. 

Here are the groups:

Raiyan & Vaibhv - Hinduism + Islam
Ali & Meekaal - Judaism + Islam
Bilal & Lennard - Taoism + Islam
Alexa & Charlotte - Christianity + Judaism 
Aashrith & Jacob - Taoism + Hinduism 
Julia & Isabella - Christianity + Native Spirituality
Honor & Emily - Hinduism + Catholicism

Neel & Abdul - Islam + Sikhism

As we wrap up our unit and begin to think about our next unit, the Grade 4 Teaching Team have sent home the field trip information for our next unit, Where we are in place and time - Medieval Times. Please ensure that you read the entire package thoroughly and return the form and money by the required day. 

French - Please check Mme. Stella's blog under specialist links. 

Physical Education - Please check Mr. Orr's blog under specialist links.

Music - Please check Mr. Oliver's blog under specialist links.

Ask your child how the rest of their day went! 


Language – Read 30 mins 
- Spelling lesson 18 due Friday - review week/no test
- Oral Speech + memorize - good copy due Friday, Jan. 31st

Math - Workbook pg. 60 - 61 due tomorrow

Unit of Inquiry – Summative due Friday, January 31st 
- Medieval Times Field Trip form + $$ due Friday, February 7th 

Extra - Bring in a device for the rest of the week - research purposes 

Important dates/items:
January 30 - Casual Day 
February 6 - Oral Competition: Jk - 3
February 7 - Oral Competition: Grade 4 - 8
February 8 - Open House 10 am - 2 pm
February 10 - Year Ahead Day 
February 13 - 100th Day of School + Spirit Day: Valentine's Day dress up 
February 14 - PD Day (No school)
February 17 - Family Day (No School)
February 21 - Picture Day - Siblings & Graduation (Grade 6, 10, & 12)
February 25 - Pancake Tuesday + Casual Day 
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day 
February 27 - Oral Competition: SJA vs, TMA

Have a good evening, Ms. Samuel 

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