All About Me

My name is Nicole Samuel and I am one of the Grade 4 teachers for this upcoming school year. I have been a teacher at SJA since January 2018 and this will be my third-year teaching Grade 4.

I am a graduate of Central Michigan University Elementary Education Program and an Alum of the CMU Women’s Soccer Team.

When I am not teaching, I enjoy being physically active (soccer is my favourite sport, go Manchester United!), watching movies, working on "do it yourself" crafts, and spending time with my family. I can hardly wait to get to know all of you!

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

The Midweek Update - Wed. Feb. 19th

Good Afternoon Families!

Please read all the information below to get the latest scoop on our day!

Here are a few updates:
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Aftercare invoices were sent home on the first. Please be sure to contact Ms. Chiapetta for any late balances. 

March Break Camps
Forms have been sent home regarding SJA's Awesome Adventure Camp. This wonderful camp will run from Monday to Friday for the entire March Break (March 9-13 & March 16 -20) and is offered to students from JK to Grade 6. Field trips will take place on Thursday afternoon. Meal plans are also included if you choose to do so. Cash or Quickbooks payments are the accepted forms of payment. Don't delay, register today! 

Hello SJA Families!

March Lunches  - The lunch site is now open
It will close Wednesday, February 26th at 3:00pm sharp 
Special of the month: French Toast with Whipped Cream and Syrup

All payments are to be made through quickbooks by March 6th.

The Re-registration Deadline is fast approaching (February 18 by 4pm), and we want to ensure that your child’s registration is complete when returned, to avoid having to send home for missing information. Some common things that are missed:
·         Signatures on application form
·         Health card number
·         Emergency contact info (other than parent/guardian)
·         3 sets of initials on the tuition fee schedule (one for payment plan, and two at the bottom)
·         Completed payment methods form (parent name(s), student name(s), banking info (or void cheque), selecting business or personal use, and signature

Please ensure that you are returning:
·         Signed application form (indicate any changes to information)
·         Signed re-registration agreement
·         Completed and signed health history form
·         Completed and signed photo permission form
·         Completed and signed payment methods form
·         Initialed tuition fee schedule with payment plan selection
·         Bussing form (if applicable)

While we will do the best to accommodate existing families, after this deadline we will be accepting new families from our growing waitlist. Don’t be disappointed, hand in your completed re-registration package prior to the deadline.  Please note that the school will be closed Friday (for PD)  and Monday (Family Day).

Please contact our admissions team if you have any questions, at

St. Jude’s Academy Admissions Team

Ann Harvey & Melissa Filion

Quote of the Day - Bringing a little inspiration to your day! 
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To celebrate Black History Month, each day there will be a picture and some information posted on our blog about an African-Canadian or African-American figure in history. Happy Black History Month!: 

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Take a look at what we accomplished today!

Library with Mrs. Hayward:

Inquiry into Math:
Today the grade 4s used what they learned about angles to construct a triangle:

We will continue working on this skill tomorrow.

Inquiry to Language: 
Today we reviewed the events from chapter 4-6. They began working on their chapter assignment - Take One! Visualization. For this activity  students had to use their powers of visualization to create their own image of a scene from chapter 6 when a character named Wat decides to hide from the Wraiths in a cesspit. 

Here is the task:

Answer the following questions about Wat in the cesspit, use evidence from the text to help you answer the questions: 
1. Would it be light or dark in the cesspit?
2. What would it feel like?
3. Would Wat plug his nose in the cesspit or take big deeps breaths?!?!

After they have answered the above questions the are to create their own depiction of what they visualized when they read about Wat in the cesspit.  (Label your picture)

*Reminder: Due to a short week, all spelling activities are due on Thursday. Our spelling test will still be on Friday. Okay 

Unit of Inquiry:
Today the grade 4s learned about how young boys became a knight in the Middle Ages:

The girls in the class quickly realized that young girls did not receive the same opportunity as young boys to become a knight. We had a short discussion about the reasons why this might have happened during this time. Some of the reasons that they came up with were:
- responsible for children
- cooking and cleaning the house
- lack of strength
- not as smart

We then took a look at how things have changed from past to present and the class realized that girls are knights today:
- police officers
- firefighters
- security guards 

To continue their learning about knighthood, the grade 4s have been given an assignment; they are to create an accordion depicting the transitions through knighthood. Each student has been given the assignment details. The assignment is due: Monday, February 24th. 

The grade 4s also learned about the parts of a knights armour: 

French - Please check Mme. Stella's blog under specialist links. 

Physical Education - Please check Mr. Orr's blog under specialist links.

Music - Please check Mr. Oliver's blog under specialist links.


Language – Novel Study - Read chapters 7-9
- Complete ch. 4-6 visualization sheet
Spelling lesson 21 due tomorrow + test Friday


Unit of Inquiry - Med. Times field trip - Feb 28th
- Armour Quiz - Wed. Feb. 26th 

Extra -

Important dates/items:
February 21 - Picture Day - Siblings & Graduation (Grade 6, 10, & 12)
February 25 - Pancake Tuesday + Casual Day 
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day 
February 27 - Oral Competition: SJA vs, TMA
February 28 - Medieval Times Field Trip

Have a great evening, Ms. Samuel 

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